Solve word puzzles to reach Lingolish leaderboard!

Global Lingolish community needs a creative, energetic puzzle solver with the talent of a detective and a mastermind in breaking word codes. He/She will lead our team of terrestrial scientists trying to communicate with people on Mars!! Are you an experienced "Word Mastermind" gamer, or "Mastermind" for that matter? What about Jitto or bulls and cows?? Great! We invite you to join our team. Maybe the key to solving Martian puzzles is in your hands! You can start now at any level and age group.

Lingolish live leaderboard displays the Top 50 records. If you are not yet one of them, use your intelligence and creativity to collect points and reach the top of the players' league. Buckle up; a tough competition is going on here! In the following, we recommend some useful tips to word finder masters to accomplish this attractive mission.

A drawing that shows Lingolish characters, Abi and Phil, laughing
A drawing that shows three Martian creature, Bruno, Abi and Phil, on champion stage

Lingo-lish tips for word puzzle solvers

- Start your daily word search with words having the maximum number of two vowels like "ear" or "oat".

- Optimize your time. If you play "The beginning" or "Time battle" modes, keep guessing anything that comes to your mind fast, and don't waste any time.

- Optimize the number of guesses. If you play "Frozen time" mode, use your guesses wisely, compare the clues and come up with a word closest to the secret word.

- Always follow the clues. Follow the color-coded clues and the hints marked on your keyboard to find the correct and incorrect letters.

- Practice, practice, practice, practice makes perfect!

- Try multi-player mode; play Lingolish with your kids or parents; invite your friends to play, compete and practice, discover the codes hidden in words and enjoy the game together.

- To beat your friends on Multiplayer modes and gain higher ranks, train with Robots.

- Take a break and rank in the "Brain Train" challenge any time you have it the list of daily challenges.

It's interesting to say that most of our top 50 puzzle solvers are girls, so if you are looking for a puzzle game for girls, Lingolish puzzle solver is the one.

Top 50 word masterminds in Lingolish

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